Dan's parents anniversary was on the 18th Nov. Dan gave them a treat at Shang Palace at Shangri La. They were mentioning that they have change their head chef and the place is newly renovated.
We forgotten that the Asean Submit was at Shangri La. The security there was super strict. Mindef was all around, there were car checks, when you enter the hotel, you need to go through a security scan.
The food was ok, not fantastic though. Dan and auntie had Shark bone soup, while the rest of us at double boiled soup with white fungus, green and red carrot. The soup was fantastic. We also had peking duck, I find that the flour for the wrap is abit too thick.
Next was the mantou with pork belly (so-so), fish my bf's family is said that there is a smell, but I like it. I am a fish person!!! hehe... I like the japanese mushroom with beef and mustard seeds (like a fusion of chinese and western). The HK kai lan was normal.
I like the restaurant's settings but the food was so-so only.

Labels: Restaurants
Mambo night at Zouk on the 7th Nov. As the next day was public holiday, the queue was crazy, you need to queue up for about 1hr plus before you get in... and the funniest thing is that is not super crowded inside.
The guys there are so funny in their synchronized dancing. We keep laughing the whole night at them. After we hop over to velvet, which I drop a jug of drinks on the dance floor!! Haha, David thought that i was holding the drink and I thought he was holding it. The jug miraculously disappeared in the dance floor!! OPPS... ;)
We were there from 9pm - 2am and we went to eat bak ku te and guess who we saw!! David Gan!! with a bunch of his friends and 1 girl....

WOW!! So long never write my blog because I was so darn busy!!! I was handling 2 portfolios for 1 month plus. So didn't have time to write my blog...
M1 dinner and dance was held on the 25 October 07 at Swissotel the Stamford. It was a night of fun and entertainment. Ok la, is actually we entertain ourselves.. The MC and games that the MC played were good, but the performance by the other entertainer was LAME!!! Food was not so good. But overall we had a lot of fun. And of course there were wine... hmmm....
Our team was dressed in the 1960s, Belinda, Su Jen, Charmaine, Wendy and me went to have our hair done. Yong Teck, Kydd and David went to rent their costume with wigs... Haha they look hilarious!! David sabo me up the stage. I have to repeat the "M1 Mumbai, India ad". So I sabo him back haha.. He had to act on stage!! So funny... David and Belinda were among the 5 or 6 who won the best dressed, they will get $200 vouchers each!! Cool man...
Then came the lucky draw!! HAIZ.... Always never lucky in it some more 300 prizes le.... Haiz....

Labels: Colleagues